Thursday, August 19, 2010

Pleasant Heart Music Health Benefits

What specific types of health benefits associated with listening to heart music you like, when moving your mind and body feel better? Heart Music
Well, this is what the research team intends to find out. In 2005 this same group of studies at the University of Maryland School of Medicine in Baltimore, studied the effect of laughter on physical health of the cardiovascular system of the first study of its kind. Now they will compare the results with the pleasure of listening to music, relaxed voice, and heart music.

When the results were completed, they were presented at the meeting of the Scientific Session of the American Heart Association on November 11, 2008 in New Orleans. By the way, and just so you know, that the study was organized by the American Heart Association, veterans, and the National Institutes of Health.

Study criteria:
This experiment used 10 healthy non-smoking volunteers (70 per cent of men), and the average age of 36 years. Heart Music
Until that day began with an important study, participants were also asked to stay away from listening to your favorite heart music, at least two weeks. Researchers hope to receive additional activation positive physical health.

After the post on the eve of the study, each participant began the study with the target base for the brachial artery (located in the upper arm) mediation test increased flow. The use of blood pressure in the cuff to restrict blood flow and release, ultrasound equipment is used as a measuring tool. personal responses of each person was registered an increase and decrease blood flow to the consequences, measured in percentage depending on the difference in diameter of blood vessels.

All participants must attend all four stages of the experiment, which was assigned to each participant in no particular order. Heart Music
Physiological differences are marked and recorded after each subject completed the test phase. One of the research phase included ordering the individual to choose the music, which in their opinion, fun and pleasant to listen. The second stage has its own voice and listen to music they do not like and make them feel anxious or nervous, the third stage, listening to his voice weakened, and the fourth phase has to watch funny videos.

The minimum weekly time interval between exposure to four different stages are allowed, and will take about 1 month to complete.

Experimental results:
Compared with the previous data base recorded their blood flow, listening to your favorite music even more impressive results than the original session, the study of laughter.
Heart MusicIncreased blood flow differences were observed at all stages of the trial, each of which is measured and recorded separately. Here are the results, listed in order of their significance is important to improve blood flow, 26 percent of music fun, laughter, 19 per cent and 11 per cent voice calm.

What is not surprising, on the contrary, to increase blood flow, blood flow actually decreased (by 6 per cent), when the tension will play music for the subjects. What surprised scientists most about this study is the consistency of everyone on all types of stimulation.

The physiological impact of this study clearly walking on the street that can actually be measured in physical effects. Dr. Michael Miller, MD, principal investigator for the study, said that the best way for most of us, when we actively listen to our favorite music that evoke positive emotions in our materials that are likely partly due to selection
Heart Musicendorphins in the brain chemistry. This is part of the mind, body, spirit connection that we all strive to learn more about. "

I do not know how you feel about the music, but I can really get into listening to some songs that can be passionate, often, the mood lifted. I just love all kinds of different types of music. Song is not important to me, most of the time, like rhythm, rhythm, or voice. On the other hand, you can really get yourself in the place not feel so great with music too. You can use this medium to participate in the sensitive feelings of sadness, loneliness, or the passion to help bring back the happy stories, if you want to feel.

Type of music you can choose to listen is a key factor in how you want to feel. By deliberately choosing and acclimating himself music you like and makes you feel happy, this is just another arrow vibrates, you can use as a weapon to help fight heart disease. Of course, there are some other lifestyle changes such as diet, exercise and adequate sun exposure that will work well in conjunction with the music fun to help keep all of you physically and emotionally fit. So, turn on your favorite music, with the most convenient sources are available, and start yourself into a state of mind to feel better groove. By Brenda Skidmore
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