Posted On Sunday, May 31, 2009 at at by Naruto Talempong is a typical musical instrument Minangkabau. Forms almost the same as the gamelan of Java. Talempong can be made of brass, but some are made of wood and stone, at this time talempong of the type used more brass. Talempong this round-shaped hollow in the lower part, while at the top of the roundabout there is a prominent diameter five centimeters as the place of ringing (different). Noise generated from a pair of wooden the hits on the surface.
Talempong usually used to accompany the dishes typical dance, dance sacrifice, dancing waves, etc. Talempong also used to welcome a special guest. Talempong this playing need carefulness in work starts with DO pranada stairs and ended with SI. Talempong accompanied by actor the same way with playing play piano.
You can find a variety of music flows here like metal music, traditional music, classical music, music jees and much more.
Monday, September 27, 2010
Traditional Music Instruments Sasando NTT Rote Island
Posted On Saturday, May 30, 2009 at at 8:57 PM by Naruto Sasando is a musical instrument instruments quotation. Instumen this music comes from the island of Rote, East Nusa Tenggara.
Sasando the form of a quotation like with other instruments such as guitar, violin and harp.
The main tubular sasando the usual length of bamboo. Then in the middle, a circle from top to bottom are given to prop up where the string-string (strings) that the tube, from top to bottom rest. This provides the tone that is different to each chord passages. Then this tube sasando put in a container made from a kind of plaited leaves Lontar made as fan. This vessel is a resonance sasando.
SPIRO Vocals Spiro brings to life the Ronie James Dio experence as very few can. Spiro has played in some of Melbourne's great Metal cover bands including Night Crawler & Madien Ozz
MERM Lead Guitar Paying homeage to the great Toni Iommi One of Melbourne's finest guitarist Not much to say about Merm his playing speaks volumes for itself! Merm ex NO REMORSE/PERSECTION
JEZZ Rythem Guitar Bringing in the second guitar to DEHUMANIZER not only takes care of the overdubs and solos but Jezz adds so much more with his harmony and subtle guitar pieces. This is a Metal band no place for keyboards. Having Jezz on the gutair brings the balls associated with the Persecution boys. Jezz ex NO REMORSE/PERSECTION BO Bass This is a Sabbath band & Bo's homeage to the legendary Geezer Butler will impress all who love the Sabbath bassist from hell This is a huge bass sound & sure to push ya ribs back into your chest. Bo ex NO REMORSE/PERSECTION
Frank Drums Frank is the newest member to the line up. He has been hitting the skins for as long as he could hold a drum stick. A well respected drum instructor Frank has all the weapons to make you think that Vinny Appice has had a face lift.
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Sebuah “Pertunjukan Musik Klasik”
Jarang sekali sebuah pementasan diberi tajuk “Pertunjukan Musik Klasik”, sebuah judul yang terkesan tidak jelas sama sekali. Namun nyatanya alih-alih sebuah pertunjukan yang membosankan, pertunjukan ini adalah sebuah pementasan yang mengundang decak kagum
Adalah Jakarta Chamber Orchestra bersama dengan Avip Priatna yang tampil pada Sabtu malam ini di Usmar Ismail Hall, Kuningan. Juga yang menjadi sorotan malam ini adalah Esther Apituley dengan biola altonya dan juga para pemain dari Amsterdam Viola Quartet.
Hanya saja, karakter liris yang cenderung berisi khas jaman romantik akhir belum begitu terasa perbedaannya. Karakter yang sendu dalam Elegie maupun Adagio Barber seakan masih terasa agak hambar, agak kontras dengan karya-karya lainnya yang sudah dengan baik disampaikan oleh JCO.
Adalah Jakarta Chamber Orchestra bersama dengan Avip Priatna yang tampil pada Sabtu malam ini di Usmar Ismail Hall, Kuningan. Juga yang menjadi sorotan malam ini adalah Esther Apituley dengan biola altonya dan juga para pemain dari Amsterdam Viola Quartet.
Dengan format orkes gesek, JCO membawakan karya-karya dari dalam dan luar negeri dari berbagai zaman. Dibuka dengan 2 Concerti Grossi dari Handel dan Telemann, keduanya arsitek musik asal Jerman abad 17. Lalu selanjutnya Suita dari komposer dalam negeri Haryo Suyoto dan ditutup dengan Elegie dari Vieuxtemps. Esther Apituley pun tampil sebagai solois pada Concerto Grosso Telemann dan Elegie.
Babak kedua, JCO dan Avip mengeksplorasi karya Suite for Strings dari Rutter dan karya yang cukup ternama dari Barber, Adagio for Strings. di babak kedua ini juga tampil Amsterdam Viola Quartet yang terkadang juga diiringi orkestra. Dimulai dari karya Onno Krijn 3 1/2 Souvenirs, kuartet ini akhirnya bersama JCO membawakan Concert in C oleh Terry Riley sebuah karya minimalis yang apabila diperhatikan lebih jauh sarat warna pentatonis dan terkadang kerumitan ritmis khas karawitan.
Esther Apituley sebagai pemusik handal yang besar di Belanda membawakan karya dengan begitu hidup. Warna permainan biola altonya sangat terasa dalam dan responsif, yang kemudian menjadi stimulan orkestra untuk bermain lebih jujur dan terbuka di sepanjang karya.
Amsterdam Viola Quartet diawaki Apituley, Grapperhaus, Honingh dan Van der Tak – semuanya memainkan biola alto – juga terasa begitu intim, kompak dan dekat. Berlapis panorama suara ditimbulkan dengan begitu transparan dan jelas, terlebih ketika diiringi suara dansa tap dari Peter Kuit sebagai fondasi ritmis. Di sini musik menjadi inspirasi sebuah tarian di mana tarian ini sendiri menjadi bagian dari fondasi ritmis musik, berbeda dari kebanyakan tarian lainnya.
Jakarta Chamber Orchestra di bawah pimpinan Avip Priatna juga cukup bersih dalam mengeksekusi hampir seluruh permainan. Stabilitas suara begitu terjaga dan didukung oleh petunjuk dan arahan Avip yang jelas, mengarahkan interpretasi karya menjadi lebih spontan. Warna Barok begitu terasa, sembari didukung artikulasi yang tepat, begitu juga dengan karya Rutter dengan semangat pastorale yang menenangkan.Hanya saja, karakter liris yang cenderung berisi khas jaman romantik akhir belum begitu terasa perbedaannya. Karakter yang sendu dalam Elegie maupun Adagio Barber seakan masih terasa agak hambar, agak kontras dengan karya-karya lainnya yang sudah dengan baik disampaikan oleh JCO.
Namun secara umum konser ini sungguh layak untuk disaksikan. Menarik dan tentunya mengajak pendengarnya untuk terlibat dalam proses mendengarkan. Sebuah suguhan yang manis dari JCO, Avip, Esther dan Amsterdan Viola Quartet dan bukan hanya sekedar “Pertunjukan Musik Klasik”.
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Ensamble Kramat Percussion: Musical Caravan amazing modern Cow...
For people outside of East Java Pamekasan probably seldom heard let alone know the music group Saur gait board, the number reached tens of groups.
But for viewers who saw the appearance of one band of Saur Pamekasan Kramat Percussion Ensamble in the event Djarum Super Rendesvoices share share-earth sound, Sunday (2 / 8) would be directly expressed interest although only once was watching and listening to music directly percussion ensamble group.
Percussion Ensamble Kramat who gets the first chance as a viewer in an event sponsored by Djarum Super 23 displays dozens of musicians and their unique musical instruments such as ball, drum, duk-duk, and musical instruments such as cow trailer tetabuhan kenong, gongs, flutes and still added a few bamboo musical instruments. Although the total number of musicians and musical instrument very much but it looks Percussion Ensamble Kramat groups that emerged in 1999 and is very compact and smart.
They play music with passion and be seen without the tired but always playing a musical instrument with a constant velocity. In fact they must play a music arranger with a touch ten different tones. Tired spirit and without that seems to be a privilege as well as the strength of the group Kramat Ensamble. Perhaps that is a form of exercise that their arrangements are combined with the concept of choreography that they've done so far.
For Percussion Ensamble Kramat no domination of a particular musical sound that is displayed but is played in turns so as to produce a pleasant musical arrangement. Spectators who witnessed the appearance Kramat Percussion Ensamble will drift carried the awesome music games and without stopping for a long time.
Not with the exception of one MC event Rendezvoices this event, Nonot Sebastian who said his admiration for totality, loyalty and spirit of the music game this Perkussion Ensamble Kramat group. This chubby guy Bahka not hesitate to admit him to cry to see the spirit and cohesiveness of the musicians shown.
"Incredible (game music, red). Togetherness, passion, and guyubnya very powerful. Honestly I got to see him cry, "said Nonot after the gig.
The process of musical creation of percussion ensamble Pamekasan groups, such as spoken coordinator Kramat Percussion Ensamble Aris, conducted by the exercise of the new musical arrangements together two times a week. Percussion Ensamble Kramat trying to put music as their greatest strength in her performance than with exercises and arranges music by collaborating with choreographers Heri Lontoh from Surabaya. Collaboration was done with the desire to create music that is not just my ears that enjoys but further highlight the complexity of visual art performance that can be perceived as a whole show.
"The musicians Kramat Percussion Ensamble also practiced music with choreographer choreography Heri Lontoh from Surabaya so they can play a compact," said Aris....(The Real Jogja/joe)
But for viewers who saw the appearance of one band of Saur Pamekasan Kramat Percussion Ensamble in the event Djarum Super Rendesvoices share share-earth sound, Sunday (2 / 8) would be directly expressed interest although only once was watching and listening to music directly percussion ensamble group.
Percussion Ensamble Kramat who gets the first chance as a viewer in an event sponsored by Djarum Super 23 displays dozens of musicians and their unique musical instruments such as ball, drum, duk-duk, and musical instruments such as cow trailer tetabuhan kenong, gongs, flutes and still added a few bamboo musical instruments. Although the total number of musicians and musical instrument very much but it looks Percussion Ensamble Kramat groups that emerged in 1999 and is very compact and smart.
They play music with passion and be seen without the tired but always playing a musical instrument with a constant velocity. In fact they must play a music arranger with a touch ten different tones. Tired spirit and without that seems to be a privilege as well as the strength of the group Kramat Ensamble. Perhaps that is a form of exercise that their arrangements are combined with the concept of choreography that they've done so far.
For Percussion Ensamble Kramat no domination of a particular musical sound that is displayed but is played in turns so as to produce a pleasant musical arrangement. Spectators who witnessed the appearance Kramat Percussion Ensamble will drift carried the awesome music games and without stopping for a long time.
Not with the exception of one MC event Rendezvoices this event, Nonot Sebastian who said his admiration for totality, loyalty and spirit of the music game this Perkussion Ensamble Kramat group. This chubby guy Bahka not hesitate to admit him to cry to see the spirit and cohesiveness of the musicians shown.
"Incredible (game music, red). Togetherness, passion, and guyubnya very powerful. Honestly I got to see him cry, "said Nonot after the gig.
The process of musical creation of percussion ensamble Pamekasan groups, such as spoken coordinator Kramat Percussion Ensamble Aris, conducted by the exercise of the new musical arrangements together two times a week. Percussion Ensamble Kramat trying to put music as their greatest strength in her performance than with exercises and arranges music by collaborating with choreographers Heri Lontoh from Surabaya. Collaboration was done with the desire to create music that is not just my ears that enjoys but further highlight the complexity of visual art performance that can be perceived as a whole show.
"The musicians Kramat Percussion Ensamble also practiced music with choreographer choreography Heri Lontoh from Surabaya so they can play a compact," said Aris....(The Real Jogja/joe)
Friday, September 10, 2010
Express your music
Music as a overview for human inspiration, music is also a mental challenge in human nature, and also can give a touch of music for all kits. music is an element of art that exist in all aspects of art that we have. difference it can make music too menusi feel great and helpful. lkukan series of activities that we often can lead to positive effects of music we alunkan. artistic expression is one step towards a success in reaching all their future goals. and through music we can describe the passion and expression that we have. awareness in music can often improve the life and mentality that we can provide music miliki.dan kepercaayaan express condition for us .. your music and your abilities Marvel .. one thing we must know that we do not believe it before .. music as a path of achievement for us, and also that music can give us a myriad prestasi.cintailah and appreciate your work .. your music is the music we make or create mudaah seringkalai can be accepted by society. but the music we create is not easy for us .. because we entrust senantiiasa not believe that our ability to create music that is still a bit .. but in our belief that music can provide for kita.mulailah ceerah color your day to day confidence, tingkatkanlah percaayalah yourself that you and that you could ... soul music can make us feel tersenyum.thanks
Music Describing Someone Instinct
Music often we mean that it can make people feel calm, and music also can make people feel comforted. membangkaitlan spirit that can someone to be loved the music, even someone who never create or make such works lebiih senipun will focus on the inspiration that has been made. music menggmbarkan an instinct which is owned by someone, the instinct that we have to appreciate works of art that we can sometimes make a person feel flattered. Music also can provide any meaning for one's soul. music sometimes makes our spirits be increased and the music is also sometimes make us become prustasi. with the flow of music that we have can reflect the instincts of the soul that we feel. everything for our music and music also can even give mampaat life for us. feelings which we have invested in music makes everything can be changed, once we create works that we consider so remeh.dan even now works created by many oraang can make us feel deterred, and feel the spirit high. smusik mencermunkan once can someone who has the personality we know and also a lot of music can membrikan a wide space for us for us to look at, both in terms of whatever it is its shape. music is also one of the work that we must be proud.
Appreciation of art works
Art is an appreciation that we often ucaapkan we never even learn, music also describe all forms and manifestations of art that we have acquired. pleasure we can get this music preformance which describes seseotrang arya feel admiration with which they create art. it was as though the music can give them the brightness of the life and music also can membrikan everything they think they deserve yet. appreciation of this art which can provide all this mental that might make us feel menjiwa meaning of a work of art. sometimes work to make someone feel embarrassed and sometimes even make someone feel famous. With these music can enhance apresisi we get through work. the work we have made even created a sense that we have here if we describe the color as yng inherent in our minds. Music can also provide intelligence and calmness that we have. music besides one container to eliminate saturation. the music here gives a very broad impact if we really understand it, and this music can give a person feel comfortable. works of art that we get sometimes we think it is something trivial yag, tetaapi fact that we can mewujudkanya. bangglah love and what you've created through the work of art, because through that you can make it happen ... thanks
Music Through his passion rose
Music in our world is very identil with a touch of art, music describe art that we get in the work. Music can also provide the brightness of the soul. in addition to music as a vehicle for us in pursuing a myriad of achievements. for the Indonesian society, music is part of their lives and music also reflects a benchmark of their fame, the music because they can fulfill their lives. with music we can achieve things that we think we are hard to find. music can provide some material for us if we are only too well understand it and give apresisi artwork we can get in music. with music or musical work that we have very useful to us in achieving the goal. because music is a strong capital base to achieve kesempatan.membangkitkan spirit of art or music apresisi not easy, one thing we must remember here bahawa if we really love music, then we must seriously to mengembangkanya. because the one thing we have to know the music that we can not accomplish if we fill it with the intention of the half. music can provide the brightness and music can provide a strong instinct that we emphasize in our utnuk ponder. start your music with passion and believe that your music has a high creations. sala trust because one intention to obtain success.
Soul Music Inspiration
Music was as though we know can give a touch of art that jkita have, with the music we can appreciate the work that we have. describe the broad category of music in works of art owned by someone, and music also can provide clarity in one's soul. that we know and have even studied music as a means to release the flavor saturated in so long we have had or have been conducting activities to develop our music kita.inspirasi here gives a picture that a man has an inspiration that can be developed in music. inspiring work of art that we have every human being is different sometimes. music literary essay as though we are making. we as a student or students can sometimes give one the fact that the music was very important for us to listen even to us ponder, because the music can give a little cheer, sometimes people are often embarrassed or in other words groggy when displaying music in public. ever, and even music that often we create a work apesiasi sebenarya that we should be proud of, art that we create here is to arouse us in the work. denagn music we have created is sometimes brains and our souls in every human being will come together and create an inspiration that was developed and there was a song. milki inspiration we here we should be proud of, because it describes an inspiring spirit in which we miliki.kembangkanlah apresisi preserve your music and art that you have.
Electrik Guitar
Effec of this kind often we find even in this current time we may no longer want to use it. effec provides a very simple sound power that is only two votes menampilakan clean it is that we know have used the rhythm guitar sound, and distortions that have sounded like a violent suaara dugunakan often in rock music. effec suaara happens in this may be we can not add sound lagi.kita here often call with an effec effec frogs that are not much enthused by seakrang age children. power resulting from the reach of his voice was not so hard and not giving many different kinds of voice we need to have it here munkin. effec semacm but it also has the advantage that we can take lightly and for no particular occasion a simple way most people use the effec of this kind, it may be because the price is minimal.
Guitar Karatristik
Have you ever played guitar, maybe here we often see and even play an instrument ssudaah smart like this. Here people think that in playing our music as if by do not understand about the tools that we play with them. Here we can only memainkanya without understanding the functions held by al; at music. in aartian we only care about saaja suaaranya instruments. sometimes people find it difficult to function in alatmusik menentukn this but people also understand about this instrument but it is difficult to menciptakanya. components owned by this instrument was as though we do not understand the ins beluknya, a man accustomed to make it probably already well aware of the strains of the tone that should be made without causing efec that does not sound so good. we already know in detail here tentangkomponen disaamping pictures of the instruments on this, but we can not take their membedakanya / / /
Slapp bass
bass, often we hear ever even play an instrument like this. bass in a music insturmen kedudukanya is very important. very nice bass berpengeruh in terms of whether or not a bass disinisangat aransement musik.dalam fenting benefits. mungin in the form of bass here is not a good model but kdeudukanya pariasi very fenting in a musical instrument. bass here too, we know his voice was not as good of a voice that rung with the sound of guitar distortion, but this bass in rock music is very creative people are like when the bass slapp memainkanya with the form, and we know that the voice issued a very diverse if we are smart memainkanya. bass here too, can produce many different kinds of sounds when we use the effec sound like in the great demand for guitar.bass here among teenagers, we know much more today. plajar children who often neband hobby. we know that the flow of music that many young children are offered though today many who take the flow of rock as we know msuik memilki bass voice of the popular power for now. bass that we know are popular here Bondan Prakoso Indonesian bassist, thomas (tooth) and even to foreign music the bassist RCHP. we know they have the power game that is so incredibly good noise, and esak heard.
My Guitar My Idol
Guitar is an instrument that we often encounter even memainkanya.alat music like this has a lebut sound character and has a beautiful tone to be enjoyed. music junkies and even those who might consider a hobby music this instrument is the most popular musical instruments and enjoyed by music junkies. lives of today's musical genres merupa full of pop tone tone very menyentuk to be enjoyed. This guitar is a musical instrument that is very and very important in pop music trends tersebut.gitar mungin for us who already understand the flow of music is very easy to play well considered but for those who do not understand or just might consider it a difficult thing but all it can we learn. music as though for us a very enjoyable and very interesting for us to learn. guitar playing was very enjoyable, inspiring us to play a musical instrument is very very membentu in thinking. people who often play a musical instrument is actually very easy to think and spend inspiration untu owned musical instruments through guitar is very helpful in behalusinasi and we can provide a very popular literary works.
Guitar effects
Guitar effects, did you use like this. maybe here we seldom find ,But people who are often struggling dibidangnyalah and ever and musngin often menemukanya. Such effects are very rare to find because of this effect ukuranya very large, the sound generated is also diverse kinds, starting with a voice that distorsy, until cleand shaped sound or rhythm. This effect gives all kinds of sounds that we want, there is this kind of effect that shaped ukuranya Miri but rather small and not too much to offer voice, it is an effect that often we find when we exercise or rental distudyo musik.itu much a case of securities offered by this , the effect is much also provide many different sounds, but not as much as we want depending on our own if it can be to program these effects. if we are smart to program these effects so we can enjoy his own voice
Guitar + music
Playing guitar is possible according to our
very nice but playing guitar sampil mendengarkanmusik is rarely possible for us to meet here. music makes us feel really saturated but also the music can actually give keyamanan for us. because the same music can give the same brightness for us. digambungkan and music can become one, this really makes us feel might aga bingung.Kenyamanan in music make someone mearasa hobby such comfort can be felt even seetiap time listening to music. we sometimes think of people who are not musical hobby is people who do not have the soul of art, but here's another person may often listen to music but rarely do it. muaik actually be an inspiration to us who are frequent and good mendegarkan hoby play a musical instrument of any kind, and we can develop here in the form of literary works or works of art. by because it's music that is important to us all, in terms of music ... can be a pillar for us if we are really willing to give and make it as art, because music is one part to seek sensation, and believe me music jayalah senimu works, because other people may not necessarily like what you think ...
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Lenong is Betawi traditional theater. This traditional art Kromong xylophone music accompaniment by musical instruments like the xylophone, Kromong, gongs, drums, kempor, flute, and kecrekan, as well as musical elements such Tionghoa tehyan, kongahyang, and sukong. Plays or scenarios lenong generally contain a moral message, which is helping the weak, hate greed and moral turpitude. The language is the language used in lenong Melayu (or current Indonesian) Betawi dialect.
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